View a collection of our clients' success
Empowering Change through All Things Kind
Learn how Tom Keiffer, SBDC Consultant, helped Jamie Holsinger develop financial projections and a pricing strategy to support the financial stability and sustainability for her business, All Things Kind.
Worth the Wait
Learn how Tom Keiffer, Penn State SBDC consultant, helped business owner, Matthew Myers, with his financial projections and business plans to secure financing for his expansion project.
Carrying on a Legacy: The Story of Oregon Hill Winery
Learn how the Penn State SBDC helped owner, Karon Swendrowski, improve her website and advertising, provided resources, and showed best practices and recommendations to increase attraction to Oregon Hill Winery.
Bringing Bliss to Lock Haven
Learn how Penn State SBDC consultant, Tom Keiffer, helped Liz Webb develop a stable budget, financial projections, and business plan to prepare for the opening of her business, Bliss Massage.
PreLoved is ReLoved
Learn how the Penn State SBDC helped Cara Montarsi Jackson, owner of Caramia's Reloved Fashion LLC, by providing her assistance with building her website and developing her marketing strategy.
When One Door Closes, Call it Deadluck
After Terri and Scott Breindel opened their manufacturing business, the Penn State SBDC helped them conduct market research, create a financial proforma, build a business plan, and expand their network connections.